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Magic: The Gathering is a relatively simple card game that can be very addictive to people of all types.

The premise is that two magic users are going to do battle with each other. Each brings their book of spells (the deck of cards) and attempts to do their best to defeat their opponent. This is done using spells (cards) which are chosen by the player to fit their mood or style.

The game is sold in a collector's card format. When you buy a pack of cards, you only get some of the possible cards in the game. Cards vary in rarity. Some are rare and some are common. This is very much like the way baseball cards have been sold for years, but it's a fairly new way to sell games.

Some people love the game because of the art on the cards. The cards can be collected much like baseball cards or art cards just to appreciate having them.

Others love the game because of the mathematical quality of designing a deck for play. The game is rich with probability and combinatorics that form a challenge to deck designers.

Still others love the game for the challenge of play. Every game is different and the strategies for play are both simple and complex.

Copyright 2004 Last updated on Saturday, 24-Mar-2001 02:18:13 EST GMT