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D'Angelo to Retire from Magic Rulings Summaries

PRESS RELEASE - January 15, 2004 - Crystal Keep

Today Stephen D'Angelo announced that he will not longer be maintaining and releasing the Magic: The Gathering(tm) Rulings Summaries.

The Rulings Summaries were conceived at the end of 1993, as the Wizards of the Coast product Magic: The Gathering was just being launched. In January 1994, the Summaries become a regular release and have been released monthly (with only a few skipped months) since then. The Summaries have evolved along with the game over the past 10 years and through all eight editions of the game. They now comprise over 3 megabytes of text with thousands of rules and rulings.

When asked about his relationship with Wizards of the Coast, Stephen said "Wizards has been supportive of my efforts to enhance and support this excellent game. This parting is on excellent terms. There is certainly no falling out between us." Then why give it up? "Mostly because it's time for me to move on to other things. Ten years is a long time to devote to any project. And on top of that, Magic has evolved to be a much stronger game. While the Rulings Summaries are still in heavy use, the Comprehensive Rulebook and Oracle from Wizards cover the game well and continue to improve."

Crystal Keep plans to keep the final D'Angelo version of the Rulings Summaries online until they become out of date enough to become more of a hinderance than a resource to players out there.

Questions about this release can be directed to 'editor@crystalkeep.com'.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: So what is Wizards of the Coast doing about this?
It's possible that Wizards of the Coast will choose to recognize another outside person as the Rulings Summary holder, or that they will bring the project inside, or they may decide to instead continue to improve on their existing documents and existing online support. They have not made their decision on this public as of this time.

Q: What is Mr. D'Angelo going to do now?
He loves games and will likely turn up somewhere. The breadth of content on Crystal Keep spanning trading cards games and role playing games should be some indicator there. Look for him to show up again. In the meantime there's always the Day Job.

Q: So does this mean Magic is dead?
Far from it! If Crystal Keep's web hit counters have anything to do with the game, Magic continues to be as strong a game as it has been over the past several years.

Copyright 2004 Last updated on Thursday, 15-Jan-2004 23:43:22 EST GMT