Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The Dark Card List (Released August 1994) 119 Cards Total (4 Lands, 20 Artifacts, 3 Multicolor, 19 White, 18 Green, 18 Red, 18 Black, 19 Blue) Black Ashes to Ashes Drew Tucker C3 Banshee Jesper Myrfors U2 Bog Imp Ron Spencer C3 Bog Rats Ron Spencer C3 Curse Artifact Mark Tedin U2 Eater of the Dead Jesper Myrfors U2 Fallen, The Jesper Myrfors U2 Frankenstein's Monster Anson Maddocks U1 Grave Robbers Quinton Hoover U1 Inquisition Anson Maddocks C3 Marsh Gas Douglas Shuler C3 Murk Dwellers Drew Tucker C3 Nameless Race Quinton Hoover U1 Rag Man Daniel Gelon U1 Season of the Witch Jesper Myrfors U1 Uncle Istvan Daniel Gelon U2 Word of Binding Ron Spencer C3 Worms of the Earth Anson Maddocks U1 Blue Amnesia Mark Poole U2 Apprentice Wizard Dan Frazier U1 Dance of Many Sandra Everingham U1 Deep Water Jeff A. Menges C3 Drowned Quinton Hoover C3 Electric Eel Anson Maddocks U2 Erosion Pete Venters C3 Flood Dennis Detwiller U2 Ghost Ship Tom Wanerstrand C3 Giant Shark Tom Wanerstrand C3 Leviathan Mark Tedin U1 Mana Vortex Douglas Shuler U1 Merfolk Assassin Dennis Detwiller U2 Mind Bomb Mark Tedin U1 Psychic Allergy Mark Tedin U1 Riptide Randy Asplund-Faith C3 Sunken City Jesper Myrfors C3 Tangle Kelp Rob Alexander U2 Water Wurm Ron Spencer C3 Green Carnivorous Plant Quinton Hoover C3 Elves of Deep Shadow Jesper Myrfors U2 Gaea's Touch Mark Poole C3 Hidden Path Rob Alexander U1 Land Leeches Quinton Hoover C3 Lurker Anson Maddocks U1 Marsh Viper Ron Spencer C3 Niall Silvain Christopher Rush U1 People of the Woods Drew Tucker U2 Savaen Elves Ron Spencer C3 Scarwood Bandits Mark Poole U1 Scarwood Hag Anson Maddocks U2 Scavenger Folk Dennis Detwiller C3 Spitting Slug Anson Maddocks U2 Tracker Jeff A. Menges U1 Venom Tom Wanerstrand C3 Whippoorwill Douglas Shuler U2 Wormwood Treefolk Jesper Myrfors U1 Red Ball Lightning Quinton Hoover U1 Blood Moon Tom Wanerstrand U1 Brothers of Fire Mark Tedin U2 Cave People Drew Tucker U2 Eternal Flame Mark Poole U1 Fire Drake Christopher Rush U2 Fissure Douglas Shuler C3 Goblin Caves Drew Tucker C3 Goblin Digging Team Ron Spencer C3 Goblin Hero Mark Tedin C3 Goblin Rock Sled Dennis Detwiller C3 Goblin Shrine Ron Spencer C3 Goblin Wizard Daniel Gelon U1 Goblins of the Flarg Tom Wanerstrand C3 Inferno Randy Asplund-Faith U1 Mana Clash Mark Tedin U1 Orc General Jesper Myrfors U2 Sisters of the Flame Jesper Myrfors U2 White Angry Mob Drew Tucker U2 Blood of the Martyr Christopher Rush U2 Brainwash Pete Venters C3 Cleansing Pete Venters U1 Dust to Dust Drew Tucker C3 Exorcist Drew Tucker U1 Fasting Douglas Shuler U2 Festival Mark Poole C3 Fire and Brimstone Jeff A. Menges U2 Holy Light Drew Tucker C3 Knights of Thorn Christopher Rush U1 Martyr's Cry Jeff A. Menges U1 Miracle Worker Ron Spencer C3 Morale Mark Poole C3 Pikemen Dennis Detwiller C3 Preacher Quinton Hoover U1 Squire Dennis Detwiller C3 Tivadar's Crusade Dennis Detwiller U2 Witch Hunter Jesper Myrfors U1 Artifact Barl's Cage Tom Wanerstrand U1 Bone Flute Christopher Rush U2 Book of Rass Sandra Everingham U2 Coal Golem Christopher Rush U2 Dark Sphere Mark Tedin U2 Diabolic Machine Anson Maddocks U2 Fellwar Stone Quinton Hoover U2 Fountain of Youth Daniel Gelon U2 Living Armor Anson Maddocks U2 Necropolis NeNe Thomas U2 Reflecting Mirror Mark Poole U2 Runesword Christopher Rush U2 Scarecrow Anson Maddocks U2 Skull of Orm Tom Wanerstrand U2 Standing Stones Sandra Everingham U2 Stone Calendar Amy Weber U1 Tormod's Crypt Christopher Rush U2 Tower of Coireall Dan Frazier U2 Wand of Ith Quinton Hoover U2 War Barge Tom Wanerstrand U2 Land City of Shadows Tom Wanerstrand U1 Maze of Ith Anson Maddocks C1 Safe Haven Christopher Rush U1 Sorrow's Path Randy Asplund-Faith U1 Multicolor Dark Heart of the Wood Christopher Rush C3 Marsh Goblins Quinton Hoover C3 Scarwood Goblins Ron Spencer C3