Nalathni Dragon
This card was first distributed to attendees of DragonCon in
Atlanta during July 1994 (1 per person). One card was also distributed
in Duelist Magazine issue #3 in October 1994 and 3 copies were included
in the Duelist Companion newsletter issue #4 in November 1994. The card
has a black border and the expansion symbol is a
dragon's head ( )
which is displayed on the right side of the middle section of the card.
Print size is estimated at 275,000.
Sewers of Estark and Arena
These cards were distributed to people who
purchased the first Magic novel "Arena". Some were also given out to
Duelist Convocation members. "Arena" was made available in
September 1994. The cards have a black border and the expansion symbol
is a pen ( )
which is displayed on the right side of the middle section of
the card. Print size is estimated at 165,000.
Windseeker Centaur
This card was distributed to people who purchased the second
Magic novel "Whispering Woods". Some were also given out to Duelist
Convocation members. "Whispering Woods" was made available in
January 1995. The card has a black border and the expansion symbol is
a pen ( )
which is displayed on the right side of the middle section of the
card. Print size is not known.
Giant Badger
This card was distributed to people who purchased the third Magic
novel "Shattered Chains". Some were also given out to Duelist
Convocation members. "Shattered Chains" was made available in
late February 1995. The card has a black border and the expansion symbol
is a pen ( )
which is displayed on the right side of the middle section of the
card. Print size is not known.
Mana Crypt
This card was distributed to people who purchased the fourth Magic
novel "Final Sacrifice". "Final Sacrifice" was made available in April
1995. The card has a black border and the expansion symbol is a
pen ( )
which is displayed on the right side of the middle section of the card.
Print size is not known.
Fireball and Blue Elemental Blast
Special printings of Fireball (Shadow Mage #1) and
Blue Elemental Blast (Shadow Mage #2) appeared in Magic comic books.
They look just like the Fourth Edition versions
of these cards except the copyright date is 1994.
Arena basic lands
A set of five basic lands with new artwork were made available to
people that joined the new Arena League sponsored by Wizards of the Coast.
The cards have a black border and the expansion symbol is a
stylized M ( )
which is displayed on the right side of the middle section of the card.
Print size is not known.
Disenchant and Fireball
A new Disenchant and Fireball were made available as prizes in the Arena
The cards have a black border and the expansion symbol is a
stylized M ( )
which is displayed on the right side of the middle section of the card.
Print size is not known.
Counterspell and Incinerate
New artwork versions of Counterspell and Incinerate were given
out to members of the Duelist Convocation (at Legend level of membership).
The cards have a black border and the expansion symbol is a
stylized M ( )
which is displayed on the right side of the middle section of the card.
Print size is not known.
Check the Products page for other products.
These lists and others can also be found on the
lists page.