This search based on the March 17, 2008 release of the Rulings.
210 - Information Below the Text Box
- 210.1 - Each card features text printed below the text box that has no
effect on game play. [CompRules 2007/10/01]
- 210.1a - The illustration credit for a card is printed on the first line
below the text box. It follows the abbreviation "Illus." or, in more
recent years, a paintbrush icon. [CompRules 2007/10/01]
box. The credit has no effect on game play. [CompRules 2003/07/01]
- 210.1b - Legal text (the fine print at the bottom of the card) lists the
trademark and copyright information. [CompRules 2007/10/01]
- 210.1c - Some card sets feature collector numbers. This information is
printed in hte form [card number]/[total cards in the set], immediately
following the legal text. [CompRules 2007/10/01]
This search based on the March 17, 2008 release of the Rulings.