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Printing Information
This set is a collection of white border reprints of cards from the Arabian Nights (), Antiquities, (), Legends, and (), The Dark () expansion sets. All the cards retain their original expansion symbols.

Several of the cards were released in various Magic comic books prior to and after the release of the set.

The 116 card set's breakdown by rarity looks like this:
46 Rares (46@U1)
30 Uncommons (25@U3, 5@C1)
40 Commons (3@C4, 30@C3, 7@C2)
Note: Each of the C4 rarity cards has 4 pieces of art, making collectors view this as a 125 card set.

It was released in early August 1995 and went out of print in December 1996, althrough it was available for some time thereafter.

The print run is estimated at 180 million cards.

Cards were written under the Fourth Edition rules.

Packaging Information
12 card booster packs (3 uncommon, 9 common) originally retailed for $2.25. 45 packs per box.

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Card Lists
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Fancy PDF (63k)June 1997
Text (8k)July 1998
Text Spoiler (35k)July 1998
Text (21k) - Oracle ErrataJan 2008

Booster pack

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