The Legends expansion set was printed with black borders on the face
of the cards.
Cards can be identified by the
expansion symbol on the
right hand side of the middle section. The expansion symbol is the
top section of a Greek column ( ).
The 310 card set's breakdown by rarity looks like this:
121 Rares |
114 Uncommons (107@U1, 7@U2) |
75 Commons (29@c1, 46@C2) |
Cards were available from mid June 1994 through late June 1994.
The print run was announced by Wizards at 35 million cards.
Cards were written under the Revised Edition
Each booster pack included a rule card
which explained new rules that appeared in the expansion. These rules
included 'Legend', 'Enchant World', 'Rampage', and 'Bands with Other',
as well as the first multi-colored cards.
16 card booster packs (1 rare, 3 uncommon, 11 common, 1 rulecard) originally retailed for $2.45. 36 packs per box.
Note: Due to a printing error each booster box only contains
about half of the uncommon cards. This is typically referred to as
the A and B box split.