The Visions expansion set was printed with black borders on the face of the
Cards can be identified by the
expansion symbol on the right hand
side of the middle section. The expansion symbol is a
fancy letter V ( ).
The 167 card set's breakdown by rarity looks like this:
50 Rares |
55 Uncommons |
62 Commons |
It was released in early February 1997 was was available until fall 1997.
The print run is estimated at 180 million cards.
15 card booster packs (1 rare, 3 uncommon, 11 common) originally retailed for $2.95. 36 packs per box.
Preview boosters were released in the
Multiverse Gift Set in November 1996.
These boosters had a different wrapper, and said they were a "Special
Edition" on the back of the wrapper. 25 cards were released this way.
They are:
Bull Elephant | Lichenthrope | Undiscovered Paradise |
Dark Privilege | Lightning Cloud | Undo |
Feral Instinct | Necrosavant | Urborg Mindsucker |
Giant Caterpillar | Ovinomancer | Vampirism |
Goblin Recruiter | Peace Talks | Viashino Sandstalker |
Gossamer Chains | Rock Slide | Warrior's Honor |
Jamuraan Lion | Shrieking Drake | Wicked Reward |
King Cheetah | Talruum Champion | - |
Knight of the Mists | Tempest Drake | - |
Several cards in the preview boosters differ slightly from the final
versions. King Cheetah's preview version does not have its name
capitalized in the flavor text. Viashino Sandstalker has a similar
lack of capitalization of Sandstalker in the flavor text.
Ovinomancer's preview version's text wraps differently; the
text "{Tap}: ... owner's hand:" fits on one line. Peace Talks' preview
version's text wraps differently; the second line ends with "
attack". And all the black cards (Dark Privilege, Necrosavant,
Urborg Mindsucker, Vampirism, and Wicked Reward) have slightly
longer copyright lines on the preview versions than the final versions.
Bull Elephant has an comma missing in the preview version's flavor text
that appears in the final version.