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Explaining the Wishes on Apprentice
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 05/28/02
From the Repost Dept.
Even though I made this exact same post 6 weeks ago, apparently people are too lazy to hit the Pg Down key a few times to learn something - so here ya are.

I've seen a lot of questions about how exactly the five Wish cards from Judgment work. The Wishes are worded like Ring of Ma'Ruf, which has the following DCI erratas:

Can acquire cards which are removed from the game by other cards, such as Ice Cauldron, Elkin Bottle, Necropotence, etc. Such cards are in the "removed from game" zone (see Rule Z.8). [bethmo 1998/10/23]
Can acquire a creature which was removed from the game by the Disintegrate or Swords to Plowshares. [bethmo 1994/06/01]
In Duelist Convocation tournament play, it can only bring cards from your sideboard or ones that were removed from the game by a spell or ability. [bethmo 1995/05/01]

Basically, you can only get a card from your Sideboard or a card that has been removed from the game somehow (Faceless Butcher, etc). In E-League tournaments, this will work as follows:
Step 1) You get your security code (seen at the beginning of each game, it is the 5-6 digit number unique to the cards in your deck).
Step 2) Send deck to judge.
Step 3) Create (Action > Create Card) the Sideboard card.
Step 4) Judge looks at deck.
Step 5) Judge looks at card created.
Step 6) end of conflict.

Hope this clears up any confusion.

UPDATED: This obviously doesn't count for cards that got Butchered or Mesmeric Fiended or whatever... Just take the card back and use it.

T2 Master Announcement Redux
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 05/28/02
From the Flashback Dept.
Point one: Congrats to testing for winning the latest T2 master with Balancing Tings. Point two: This upcoming master's prize will be 4 Nantuko Shades.

For those interested, the week afterwards will have 4 Undermines as its prize. Decks WILL hopefully be up shortly - email glitches meant the person I was waiting on to do them never got them - you figure out that math.

T2 Master Announcement
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 05/22/02
From the Free-Stuff Dept.
As always, check out the Master Info to the right of this column.

6:30PM Eastern
Box of Judgment to the winner

Also, I'm going to institute the Door Prize system that we've used in the past - with one small change. Only one prize will be given out, but anyone who is still playing at the end of Round 2 will be entered into a random drawing for one of the gifts that our members have donated for just such an occasion.
StoneKavu was kind enough to donate his copy of Dragon Warrior VII for the Playstation to us to give away to you kind folks. Well, thats exactly what we're going to do. Its your's folks, simply for showing up and playing.

On the subject of donations, I'd also like to thank ogcjm, who came up to me while I was judging the Pre-Release over at Neutral Ground and handed me a foil Karplusan Forest with his compliments. I hereby return the favor and help him find the Alpha or Beta Birds of Paradise that he's been looking for. If you have these cards and want to trade them to such a fine fellow, then by all means, look him up on IRC or at events up here in the NYC area.

Judgment FAQ in .doc and .pdb
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 05/21/02
From the Frequently-Asked-Questions Dept.
Its a bit late for the Pre-release, but it deserves posting nonetheless.

Here is the FAQ for Judgment in Word and Palm Pilot format.

Of note is the errata to Wormfang Crab so that it cannot target itself.

Chaos Magic now hosted @ E-League
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 05/20/02
From the Die-Rolls Dept.
For anyone who has ever won or lost a game due to a die roll - this format is for you.

Go to Apprentice, click on OPTIONS > Preferences > Alternate/Chaos Mode

It's a whole new world... Check out our Resource page for a brief synopsis of the rules for that and all other formats.

We are also proud to team up with long-time E-Leaguer TomVeil to host the Chaos Magic Homepage here on E-League.
There will be a permanent link on the left side of our page to the Chaos Magic page.

AflacDuck Wins T2 Master
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 05/19/02
From the Results Dept.
Duck played an unconventional B/U/R Psychatog deck with the Zombie Infestation combo. It also ron Fire/Ice and Flametongue Kavu for extra removal. Surprisingly enough, it runs zero bounce cards in the main deck other than Upheaval - apparently the metagame has shifted away from enough creatures to warrant the bounce over cards that can kill them.

It beat out a Domain deck played by AlexAngel running Spiritmonger and Ordered Migration as its win conditions.

The decks themselves will be posted later in the week.

Tonight's T2 Master Awaits Thee
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 05/17/02
From the Say-Niii Dept.
In case you've missed the past two weeks, WHO WANTS TO PLAY SOME FREE TYPE TWO?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Tonight's Master, starting at 6PM, run by RedACE and HJ'ed by myself will have a top prize of 4 Shadowmage Infiltrators provided by CoolStuffInc.com

Today should also prove to be interesting in more ways than one - WotC will be making an announcement at 4 Eastern regarding the rotation of Extended. Also, look for TomVeil to um... unveil the latest update for Chaos Magic tonight. List #18 for those who know what it is. For those who don't, you can gain a brief glimpse by looking at the Resource Page which has all the banned/Restricted lists + rules for most every format.

Apprentice Patch Updated
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 05/16/02
From the How-Many-Licks Dept.
The Programs & Patches Page has the downloads for Apprentice and Netdraft.

The most recent addition to the Appr patch was to fix the lack of flying on Scalpelexis.

Top 8 decks from the Last Master Resubmitted
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 05/15/02
From the Lies,-Damn-Lies,-Statistics Dept.
Blah. It was brought to my attention that the .zip of the T8 decks from the most recent master was actually blank. My fault, I fergot to add da dex... me dumb.

Again, click here for the Top 8 decks, the download is available at the top.

T2 Master Decks Posted
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 05/12/02
From the Variety-Rears-its-Ugly-Head Dept.
4-Color Upheaval decks? My WORD! You'd think we were in Milwaukee or something!
Click here to see all the decks

In a vaguely unrelated story, Eric "Danger" Taylor, better known to the IRC crowd as edt, won Grand Prix Milwaukee with a Goblin Trenches deck designed to beat a Psychatog-heavy (Zevatog and 3-color builds) environment. My own personal feeling about the matchup are quite different, as I feel 'Tog can easily alter its mainboard a bit to deal with the heavy permission deck, but hey - give it up to the old man... It's been a long time coming for this magic luminary. He's a great guy and as a regular IRC'er, I personally feel we should be supportive when one of our own wins.
Click here for the Sideboard's coverage of the event.

Tomorrow's Master
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 05/09/02
From the String-on-Your-Finger Dept.
In case you missed it, this Friday's Master will be TC'ed by jchevier and HJ'ed by myself. Prize is 4 Urza's Rages provided by CoolStuffInc.com. Info will always been posted on the right.

Glory confirmed as Judgment Prerelease Card
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 05/06/02
From the Well-Look-at-the-Pic! Dept.
Check it out here. It is in Hebrew for those wondering.

This pic was originally found over at www.svenskamagic.com - thanks folks for unearthing this little beauty.

Decks from Yesterday's T2 Master are Posted
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 05/04/02
From the Did-You-Ever-Know... Dept.
Lookie, lookie - Goblin Trenches won a 71 person master... howzabout that?

Congrats to Axyl who won the 4 Call of the Herds from CoolStuffInc.com.

Thanks to Hero- who formatted the decks and is the subject of this post's Department.

DCI Explains Wishes and the Funniest MtG Article - Ever?
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 05/04/02
From the Told-ya-So Dept.
Read this article. You will laugh. A lot. You will mock my hairline. A little. You will marvel at the chairshots and the excrement. A LOT.

And on a more serious note, the Wishes got explained by Paul Barclay over on Wizards. Nice to know I was right all along :) - see my post from April 10th.

This Weekend's Master and New Sponsor
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 04/30/02
From the Yes-it-IS-cool Dept.
Friday, 7PM Eastern, #e-tourney, Type 2, run by yours truly...

www.CoolStuffInc.com is proud to sponsor the first in a weekly series of Masters. The prizes for this will be playsets of some of the hottest Type 2 cards around. This week, a full playset of 4 excellent condition Call of the Herds will be going to the winner of this Type 2 master!

The following week, on 5/10, it will be 4 Excellent Urza's Rage.
5/17: 4 Excellent Shadowmage Infiltrator.
5/24: Judgement Box.
5/31 and in the future: To Be Determined.

Check out their site and the banner ad we have up for them - they've got very reasonable prices on many many cards.

New Channel Operator
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 04/28/02
From the Qicked-Upstairs Dept.
Qick has been voted in as a new op by the current staff. Welcome aboard, Kiwi :)

Thanks for the Donations
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 04/27/02
From the Beers-are-on-me! Dept.
Well, once again, a bunch of people have been kind enough to donate some of their hard-earned cards and other items to E-League for us to redistribute to other gamers. Whistler gave me a bunch of cards including a Mystic Enforcer, a Beta Giant Growth and some other cards. Masttim1 and his teamates gave us a Nantuko Shade to hand out. Brimstone gave me an utter pile of 3 cards including... well... I won't embarass him on the main page much, but lets suffice it to say that these cards are barely worth the ink and carboard they're printed on. StoneKavu was idling one night in IRC and was so desperate for a mini that he was willing to donate his copy of Gran Turismo 3 for the PS2 to the winner and Dragon Warrior 7 for PS1 to the judge - in this case, myself. As I don't have a PlayStation, I wll be donating it as another prize for you all to enjoy.

Sorry if I've missed someone, as I think someone else gave me a few cards at Regionals... One fellow who doesn't IRC donated an Albino Troll, but I still have the nagging suspicion I'm missing someone. Anyhow, if its you, thanks! :)

Photoshopping MtG Cards
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 04/25/02
From the Ph3ar-the-Kitties Dept.
Here's a random link for your web-browsing day, Fark.com is a website which posts random links which can be interesting, scary, amusing and some occasional links that aren't really safe for work or legal for minors (read, nudity at some level - we obviously don't recommend looking at them, and parents, do yourself a favor and watch whats going on with the kiddies on their computers). Anywho - they also have a large community of Photoshopping folks, and one of their latest subjects is MtG cards.

So if you have a while to kill and don't mind waiting for a LOT of pictures to load up, then click on over here and view the amusement.

Decks from the Last T2 Master now Posted
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 04/22/02
From the Right-on-Time Dept.
You need to make with the clicking, no? Thanks go to Hero- for formatting the decks.

Judgment Patch for Netdraft Updated
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 04/18/02
From the A-Tree-Falls-in-the-Woods... Dept.
Good morning boys and girls, my name is... well, when you sub teach for a living, you get used to opening your greeting like that. The Judgment Patch for Netdraft got updated a couple days ago (I had it from Acidwurm, but had forgotten to post it).
It corrected a few errors and now has the Reality Patch so that the ordering of cards is a little more consistent with "real" packs.

In case some people didn't know this, Acidwurm handles all Netdraft related patches and problems. If you have errors, I would suggest clicking on the staff page to get his email and give him a holler - or merely a word of thanks.

Judgment Netdraft Patch Posted
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 04/13/02
From the Draft-Purple Dept.
Programs & Patches page has the Netdraft JD patch.

Clarifying the Wishes
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 04/10/02
From the Not-Really-an-Errata Dept.
I've seen a lot of questions about how exactly the five Wish cards from Judgment work. While there is obviously not an official ruling from WotC yet, we all assume it will be worded like Ring of Ma'Ruf, which has the following DCI erratas:

Can acquire cards which are removed from the game by other cards, such as Ice Cauldron, Elkin Bottle, Necropotence, etc. Such cards are in the "removed from game" zone (see Rule Z.8). [bethmo 1998/10/23]
Can acquire a creature which was removed from the game by the Disintegrate or Swords to Plowshares. [bethmo 1994/06/01]
In Duelist Convocation tournament play, it can only bring cards from your sideboard or ones that were removed from the game by a spell or ability. [bethmo 1995/05/01]

Basically, you can only get a card from your Sideboard or a card that has been removed from the game somehow (Faceless Butcher, etc). In E-League tournaments, this will work as follows:
Step 1) You get your security code (seen at the beginning of each game, it is the 5-6 digit number unique to the cards in your deck).
Step 2) Send deck to judge.
Step 3) Create the Sideboard card.
Step 4) Judge looks at deck.
Step 5) Judge looks at card created.
Step 6) end of conflict.

Hope this clears up any confusion.

UPDATED: This obviously doesn't count for cards that got Butchered or Mesmeric Fiended or whatever... Just take the card back and use it.

Patch Fixed and an Interesting URL
Posted by KrmtDfrog on 04/10/02
From the Stop-the-Bleeding Dept.
First off, this site has a picture of every one of the Modo cards as it came up in the program - its incredibly slow loading, but thats because its 143 pics on one page - worth the looksee, though.

Second item on the agenda. Due to our patch writer (who shall go unmentioned so as not to bring about any hard feelings) had some huge mistakes on the patch. It had left out Judgment on the Sealed Deck generator, and required that I personally had to rework all 143 cards into the proper format. Not fun, let me tell you. While I did this, I also found errors on a bunch of cards. Details on what got fixed are in the .zip under ApprenticeUpdates.txt

It is highly recommended you re-download if you got the patch before about 9:45 Eastern time on Wednesday.

Next Master
Channel: #e-tourney on the IRC server EFnet.net
Date: Friday, May 31
Start Time: 6:00PM Eastern
Format: Current Type 2
TC: KrmtDfrog
HJ: KrmtDfrog
Prize: 4 Nantuko Shades CoolStuffInc.com


Deck Clinic

January 5, 2002 Type 2 Master
January 6, 2002 Type 1.x Mini
February 2, 2002 March OBC Master
February 24, 2002 Type 2 Master
March 10, 2002 Type 2 Master
March 13, 2002 Type 2 Mini
March 16, 2002 Type 2 Mini
April 7, 2002 Type 2 Master
May 3, 2002 Type 2 Master
May 10, 2002 Type 2 Master

Copyright © 2002 by E-League and FieroEtnl